Best Wifi hacking Android apk

Top 10 WiFi Hacking Android APK Apps for 2020

Hacking is always fun when we talk about hacking technology. Well, Wifi hacking is a thing and we are going to talk about how we can hack Wifi using certain tools that will be necessary in the process of hacking.
What’s more interesting is the fact that it will work on any Android device as soon as you know the process.

How to Hack WiFi Using Android App

Hacking using Android has become one of the mainstream things to do. This is due to the amount of flexibility provided by the operating system. You can literally kill others Wifi, get to know the amount of security they are having.

However, most Wifi hacking apk apps are for auditing and on our list, we have mentioned many of auditing apps too. Auditing is like troubleshooting what are the vulnerabilities in your network. With all these various apps on our list, there are quite a lot of hacking techniques to look forward to.

There are two basic methods of hacking from Android. One is to flash the Linux iso in your Android device that will ultimately allow you to run Linux commands on the device. The other one is to download Apk by downloading some app on the Android smartphone and run those apps like normal applications. The backend of these applications is a little too difficult for beginners to understand. However, we are going to be talking about some of the most advanced wifi hacking apps.

Is it really hack to Wi-Fi?

Most Android Wifi hacking apps aren’t for hacking. They are more like troubleshooters that allow you to troubleshoot what’s wrong in your network or how weak is your Wifi network in terms of security. This concept is also called as auditing.
But there are legit ways to hack Wifi using terminals of Linux on your Android device. You can only do that by flashing the official Iso image of a certain service to be able to run it on the device. But if we talk about hacking, hacking in terms of wifi means troubleshooting/auditing/killing/ and exploiting.

So really it’s a term with many meanings and one of the most interesting things that we can do with these wireless hacking apps it to kill others wifi. In theory, it means that other people on the network would suffer from super slow Wifi resulting in their experience being all bad.

Best Android Apps to Hack WiFi

Here are the top ten apps you can use to hack Wifi:

1.   Aircrack -ng

Aircrack -ng provides a full toolkit with the most advanced tools to access and bypass Wifi network security. All the tools in Aircrack -ng are command-line based so they provide the heavy scripting too.
At first, it was designed solely for Linux but with the arrival of the app on windows, it was rolled out for other operating systems too. You can also use it on Android by downloading the apk. Here are some features that are provided in the app:

  • Cracking

The first one has to be cracking. As Aircrack -ng is one of the most advanced Wifi hacking apps, it provides the ability to crack WEP and WPA PSK. Considering the power of this app, it really works.

  • Monitoring

It captures the data if you want to process information in some 3rd party app.

  • Testing

Troubleshooting Wifi cards and injections.

  • Attacking

Using packing injection, fighting and replay attacks.

  • Open the app and click “Enable Monitor Mode” to load the drivers patched by app maker.
  • Scan for networks.
  • Select your network and capturing will start on the next tab.
  • If it’s a WPA/WPA2, you have to select deauthenticate.
  • If you’re using WEP network you have to start fake authentication.

2.Kali Linux Net Hunter

It’s the first open source penetration testing platform that was created by the Kali Linux community. It supports many features like Wifi frame injection, MANA evil access setups, and even BadUSB attacks.
Kali Linux Net Hunter
The app was built just for Nexus devices but due to some awesome people, we can have the image installed on literally any Android device nowadays. All you need to have is a rooted Android device to install Kali Linux Net Hunter. Here are some of the strongest features you get  with this tool.

  • Wifi Injection

802.11 Wifi injection and also an AP mode that supports more than one Wifi cards

  • USB HID keyboard attacks

Kali Linux Nethunter is also capable of running the USB HID keyboard attacks just like the teensy devices are capable of doing.

  • Kali Linux Toolkit

The app supports full Kali Linux toolkit and various tools are also available. Everything is well set with a rather simple main menu.

  • To run the app, you must have a rooted Android smartphone to do so.
  • After the phone is rooted, you can just download official ROM from their website.
  • After the Zip file is downloaded, extract it.
  • Open the root explorer app and go to the following directory:


  • Copy and paste the files in system/bin.
  • Open the app and go to Chroot manager to install minimal Chroot.
  • Enter the following commands step by step and you’re good to go:

apt-get update,
apt-get upgrade,
apt-get dist-upgrade,
apt-get install kali-linux-nethunter

3. WPS WPA Tester

As the name suggests, the main focus of making this app was for testing. With WPS WPA Tester, you can check the vulnerability point of your network. Whether your WPS network is weak somewhere.
WPS WPA Tester
Or is there any chance of getting hacked by someone. With the app, you can easily perform security check on literally any Wifi service but it’s always better to try it on your own. You can download this Wifi hacker apk to test the limits of you internet connection.

To use this app, you must have a rooted device. If you don’t have a rooted device then the app won’t work on your device. That is why rooting is essential and you must also install busybox on your device after rooting.

Busybox will allow some advanced features that you will probably use in your app. It is one of the best Wifi hack apk that you can find till this date. Moreover, one of the most interesting features of using this app is that it allows you to view all of the passwords of the networks that you’ve connected to.


  • Root your Android device.
  • Install busybox on the device.
  • Download app’s apk
  • Install the Apk on your device and run it.

That is pretty much it for the app. The app is pretty simple but one of the best wireless hacking apps out there.

4.   dSploit

Another penetration testing app on our list is dSploit. Being one of the best real wifi hack Android apps, it has to offer a bunch. The suite was developed by  Simone Margaritteli just for the Android operating system to do penetration testing.
It contains one of the best assessment systems that can give a detailed analysis on your wireless networks. Moreover, it also provides a lot of cool features that you might find useful using on your network.
By download dSpoloit Wifi hacker apk, you can really test everything that is wrong with the security of your internet. Making it, one of the best Wireless Wifi hacking android apps on our list.

  • Your Android smartphone must be rooted in order to use dSploit.
  • Android 2.3 and above versions of Android.
  • Either SuperSu or Busybox is important if you want to run the app smoothly.


  • Download and Install the app on your device.
  • Tap on the Wifi connections and see all the available Wifi networks.
  • Connect to the Wifi network.
  • It will show various modules available.


  • Router PWN for exploitation of router being vulnerable.
  • Trace allows us to identify the connection’s IP address and speed.
  • Port Scanners allow you to identify ports.
  • Inspector informs you about what operating system target is using.
  • Vulnerability finder allows you to find weak spots in a network.
  • Login cracker cracks the admin passwords and it works everywhere.

5.   nMap

nMap is another great wireless hacking app on our list. It is a totally free and open-source solution and toolkit for network discovery and auditing. With the use of Raw IP packets, nMap allows you to find what hosts are available for your network.
By Linux Journal , nMap was hailed as the Security product of the year. It works well on all operating systems. Whether it’s Android, Windows, Linux, or any other operating system, flexibility is endless.

6.   Arpspoof

Made by Dug Song, the app is ideal for network auditing. It provides a list of features that can become quite useful when you want to monitor stuff or do network auditing. Arp Spoofing is a technique. It is also called as ARP poison routing.
In this technique, the attacker sends spoofed messages to the local area network. The main mission is to create a link between the attacker’s MAC address with the IP address or some other host that is not itself. This causes the traffic to be sent to the attacker instead of IP itself.
The use of ARP spoofing can be quite fatal as it allows the attacker to stop the data packets that are going somewhere on the network and modify the traffic using this technique. The attacker can also stop all the outgoing traffic to obstruct the whole network.
However, this type of technique can only be used if the network that you’re going to attack is on ARP. But every type of spoofing is illegal if it’s not for fair use for the internet itself.

7.  Wi-Fi inspect

Wifinspect is another Wifi hack apk that you can use to inspect the Wifi network. Wifinspect is built solely for the purpose of some advanced troubleshooting for people who want to inspect their network.
This app is a security auditing tool that lets you know the detailed information about your Wifi network and how strong it is. If it is vulnerable, then you will have to improve the security and the app will surely tell the way to do so.
You get a lot of features with the app but some of the most known apps are mentioned below:

  • Network Info
  • UPuP Devices
  • Host Discovery
  • Network Sniffer
  • PCAP Analyzer
  • PCI DSS Menu

With these options, auditing is not even a problem anymore. With this comprehensive tool security and activity monitoring have never been easier. It allows you to access the core information that is the most useful form of information you would need when you’re going to be upgrading the security to infinity and beyond.
It is one of the most realest Android hacking apps on our list

8.Network Spoofer

Network spoofer is a fun little Wifi hacking app that has been made solely to take revenge or tease others if they are teasing you. It’s more like a little scare that you can use to pull pranks on others. There is a list of things that you can use with this app but we are going to go with the most prominent one to take revenge when someone is connected to your Wifi network.
Whether it’s a mobile or a pc, you have the option to play pranks like redirection the source of websites that are occurring on that end. And what’s most important is that all this happens with just a single click.
There are a lot of commands that you can order the app and things according to that certain commands will start to happen. Here are some of the most powerful pranks that you can pull on others:

  • Change the pictures on the visitor’s visiting page.
  • Flip Pictures to tease the viewer.
  • Change google search results and manipulate them to your liking.
  • Redirect website traffic right from your phone.
  • Replacing the YouTube videos.
  • Change text

And a lot of other exciting stuff. If someone has illegally hacked your Wifi network, then this trick is ideal for you to take your revenge from them.
However, the phone must be rooted with minimum of Android 4.0 installed in it.

9. Wi-Fi Kill

Wifi Kill is another wifi monitoring app that lets you know how many devices are connected with the wifi router and their addresses. If you manage the wifi and there are a lot of devices connected to it. Then you must use Wifi Kill app.
Wi-Fi Kill
It has probably some of the strongest features if we talk about the information portraying. You get to know how many devices are connected with your router. Moreover, the most interesting part is yet to come. As the name suggests, Wifi kill can literally kill wifi on other devices.
Suppose that ‘A’ is using Wifi and you want it not to use the wifi. All you need to do is to run the Wifi kill app and kill ‘A’. That way ‘A’ won’t be able to use Wifi anymore. The device named ‘A’ would only suffer from infinite loading times resulting him into thinking that the Wifi service is messed up.
This can be quite beneficial if your network is kind of slow. You even get to know detailed information about what device is using the most resources. That way, if you want to download something but the wifi speed is low, you can just kill others wifi and you will be ready to go.
You also get detailed information about the amount of data that a certain app is using at the moment. Even if someone is doing something in incognito mode, they won’t be able to hide it from you anymore.

10. Netcut

Netcut is a powerful tool that allows you to find out who is actually using your Wifi network and who is on your wifi network. It tells you the IP address, Mac Address, and the type of device that is connected.
Moreover, you can also clone the MAC address from any device of the network to your own adapter. With little to no network knowledge, you can easily use this app. You will see the IP and MAC address instantly after opening the app.
However, to use Netcut, your Wifi network must be on ARP protocol. The most powerful feature of Netcut is probably, as the name says, cutting other’s connection. You have the ability to cut other devices that are connected to your network.

It has an app too so you can download the Wifi hacking app on your Android device. However, your device must be rooted to do so. With the use of Netcut, no one would be able to spoof your network anymore. It is good to share the internet with friends but the circle gets bigger and bigger. That’s where the main problem comes in. More people start to use your internet and it becomes slower. With the use of Netcut, you can cut other internet and they wouldn’t even know what has already happened.